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Custom Reports and Displays

It happens. Your existing applications are handling your data requirements but you can't get the kind of report or graphical
display that you want or need. For whatever reason, you are stuck with data reports in the wrong format or
graphical displays that don't show the true meaning of the data. Sometimes you have data from multiple sources and
and you just need to get it all in one report or display.    
So what do you do?
Sometimes you can just create reports from MS Access or SQL Server, but many times you can't because their options
are limited or they need some type of calculation or filtering before being printed or shown....but don't give up!

Lemmex Software Solutions has the answer to your data reporting and display problems. We build custom applications
to fix whatever issues there are.

Here are just a few examples of our many Custom Report and Display Solutions:

Custom Report: Fleet Data Analysis Report

This custom report was created for a government agency to collect and show mileage data from multiple database sources and calculate mileage per vehicle by date.

Real Time Data Graph: Gas Anaylsis Data

This real time graphing application was created as part of a Stack Gas Analysis application and allowed the users to view the pollutant levels in real time, emulating physical Chart Recorders. Users were able to select chart speed, full scale and even which pollutant to show.
The customer was very happy with the program.

SONAR Data Graph Report: Analog SONAR Data Report

This graphical report was created to read SONAR Data from a flat file and convert it to an amplitude vs. time display.
By analyzing the SONAR Echo shown in the graphic the engineers could determine the accuracy of their equipment. In addition to a report, the display was also available as desktop window where engineers could zoom in on the waveform.

SONAR Triangulation Display: Flat file data input

This is an image of the SONAR triangulation display created to take user inputs and validate the triangulation math necessary to find the target based on the travel time of the SONAR wave front.

Feel free to contact us to discuss any of your data concerns.